Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Club Night – HF / VHF on the air
20:00 BST
Club Night – HF / VHF on the air
20:00 BST
IOTA Seminar & Club Night – HF / VHF on the air
20:00 BST
IOTA Seminar & Club Night – HF / VHF on the air
Jul 16 @ 20:00 BST – 22:00 BST
Testing of the networked computers and software prior to the following week’s IOTA contest. Presentation / seminar concerning logging / use of all the functions offered by the software / contest strategy etc. (G0PZA) Also Jitsi video conferencing.
………..No Meeting at Whitton Community Centre. (Dallington Meeting for those who are there) IOTA preparation (Sussex) all day……
20:00 BST
………..No Meeting at Whitton Community Centre. (Dallington Meeting for those who are there) IOTA preparation (Sussex) all day……
Jul 23 @ 20:00 BST – 22:00 BST
Most of the day in Sussex: Setting up of antennas and equipment; and then testing. (Some team members may stay overnight Thursday and start early on Friday morning. Others plan to arrive as early as practicable on Friday morning) No … Continue reading
IOTA Contest (Sussex venue) from 12:00 GMT
20:00 BST
IOTA Contest (Sussex venue) from 12:00 GMT
Jul 24 @ 20:00 BST – 22:00 BST
In the morning: Final preparation and setting up of equipment / antennas. From 12:00 GMT, 13:00 BST: Contest operating. Come along and be part of the contest team! (Help with preparation and/or operating)
IOTA Contest (Sussex venue) until 12:00 GMT (followed by “tear down” of ‘kit’)
20:00 BST
IOTA Contest (Sussex venue) until 12:00 GMT (followed by “tear down” of ‘kit’)
Jul 25 @ 20:00 BST – 22:00 BST
Contest operating continues overnight from Saturday until 12:00GMT, 13:00BST. From 13:00BST “tear down” of antennas and equipment commences.
IOTA Contest Report & Club Night – HF / VHF on the air
20:00 BST
IOTA Contest Report & Club Night – HF / VHF on the air
Jul 30 @ 20:00 BST – 22:00 BST
Also Jitsi video conferencing.